ii – 研究院媒體活動相關檔案

1980 – Featured in ABC Channel 7
Dr. Chen Interviewed with Reporter David Louie

Dr. Daren Chen was interviewed by ABC, San Francisco Channel 7 News team’s renowned reporter, Mr. David Louie, regarding a successful case in treating a brain damaged young boy. 

1981 – Featured in Foster City Progress

Dr. Daren Chen and Dr. Sue Lin were invited by Foster City/Marina Islands Rotary Club to make a presentation on Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Their lecture was warmly welcomed. Foster City newspaper the Progress had published a news release on this event.

1981 – Featured in Foster City Islander News

Dr. Daren Chen and Dr. Sue Lin were invited by Foster City Chinese Club to make a presentation on Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Their lecture was warmly welcomed by the audiences. Foster City newspaper the Islander had published a news announcement on November 11, 1981 then newspaper Progress had also published a pictured report on this event.

1984 – Featured in San Mateo Times

Dr. Daren Chen and Dr. Sue Lin were interviewed by San Mateo Times reporter for their services to the local residents. Here is the feature story appeared in the newspaper on April 28th 1984.

Dr. Daren Chen and Dr. Sue Lin were interviews by San Mateo Times reporter for their services to the local residents. Here is the feature story appeared in the newspaper on April 28th 1984.

1985 – 加州中醫發展概況
Featured in Community Portrait

1986 – Dr. Daren Chen Featured in San Mateo Times

Dr. Daren Chen and Dr. Sue Lin were interviews by San Mateo Times reporter for their services to the local residents. Here is the feature story that appeared in the newspaper on July 17th 1986.

1988 – 世界中醫大會報導

1988 – 加州中醫發展概況
Interview in the Health Concepts

1988 – 少年中國晨報採訪加州中醫政治聯盟成立

1988 – 三藩市中報採訪中醫工傷保險立法

1990 – 少年中國晨報採訪中醫新形勢

1991 – 三藩市國際日報採訪中醫新形勢

1991 – Featured in the Peninsula Tribune

1992 – 三藩市僑報採訪中醫工傷保險

1994 – 星島日報採訪美國中醫研究院

1995 – Dr Edwin Chen Featured in Tri-City Argus

1996 – 廣東畫報採訪美國中醫研究院

1996 – 接受電視66台 蔡文耀採訪

1996 – 針灸針合法化評論

1996~7 – 中醫骨傷科專業教育報導

1997 – 聯合總會敦聘學術顧問大會

1997 – 僑報採訪九七政治大行動

1997 – 星島日報採訪 九七政治大行動

1997 星島日報採訪研究院

1998 – 星島日報繼續採訪九七政治大行動

1998 – Dr. Sue Lin Featured in San Mateo Times.

1999 – 加州中醫歷史專著出版 新聞發佈會

2000 – 星島日報中醫時局評論

2000 – 星島日報國醫節採訪

2000 – 星島日報採訪中藥安全問題

2000 – 中華醫藥報報導

2000 – 加州中醫政治聯盟歷史

2001 – 美國醫療制度與中醫地位 話越地平線

2002 – 聯合總會老醫師表彰會

2002 – 接受 KTSF 電視台記者萬若全 小姐採訪

2003 – 接受 明報記者林漢強先生採訪

2004 – 接受 KTSF 電視台記者採訪

2004 – 明報採訪中醫治療關節炎

2005 – 中醫同業在加州首府遊說新立法

2005 – 陳大仁教授接受 – 明報《名正言順》

2006 – 中醫工傷保險改革 – 明報《名正言順》

2006 – 中醫工傷保險改革 – 星島社論

2006 – 中醫工傷保險改革 – 今夜有話說

2006 – 中醫工傷保險改革 – 八方論壇

2007 – Dr. Daren Chen Featured in AsianWeek

2008 – 應邀在美國中藥聯商會演講

2008 – 陳大仁教授接受 明報《名正言順》採訪

2010 – 中醫界支持布朗再次競選州長

2012 – 中醫界支持 希爾眾議員競選

2012 – 大紀元時報採訪中醫專業教育進展

2012 – 陳大仁教授闡述加州中醫歷史

2013 – 陳大仁教授闡述中醫正名問題

2017 – 世界日報採訪中藥安全問題